Git WunderFlow


WunderFlow is a Git workflow that tries to make it easier to have multiple ongoing development tracks simultaneously while still allowing clean releases and steady hotfixes. It also makes it easy to show any unfinished work to customers.

Main branches




Development workflow

New feature

Epic features

Sometimes there might be bigger project that needs to be developed separately and where different features are dependant from each other




Create a new feature and push it to develop for testing

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b feature/c1234-adding_this
git add
git commit [... reiterate as many time as needed]
git push origin feature/c1234-adding_this
git checkout develop
git pull origin develop
git merge --no-ff feature/c1234-adding_this
git push origin develop

Publish a feature to master for the pre-release

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge --no-ff feature/c1234-adding_this
git push origin master

Push master to production

git checkout production
git pull origin production
git merge --no-ff master
git tag -a mytag -m “mytag”
git push origin production
git push --tags

Create a hotfix

git checkout production
git pull origin production
git checkout -b hotfix/i1234-fix-that
git push origin hotfix/i1234-fix-that

git checkout production
git merge --no-ff hotfix/i1234-fix-that
git push origin production
git checkout master
git rebase production